Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

New Tennessee “No Handgun” Law An individual, corporation, business entity, or local, state or federal government entity or agent of is authorized to prohibit the possession of weapons by any person who is at a meeting conducted by or on property owned, operated, or managed under the control of the individual, corporation, business entity or Read more

California: Cal-OSHA has made Heat Illness an enforcement priority pursuant to the Heat Illness standard (GISO §3395). Below is a partial list of industries in California that must have an active Heat Stress Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Agriculture Construction Delivery Personnel Landscaping/Nurseries Manufacturing Petroleum Works Public Works Transportation and Warehousing Shipyard/Docks Utility Workers All Read more

On July 1, 2010, Kansas’ new statewide smoking ban, the Kansas Indoor Clean Air Act, goes into effect, making Kansas the 27th state to become smoke free. With few exceptions, the law (HB 2221) bans smoking in restaurants, bars, places of employment, and other public places, and within 10 feet of any doorway, open window Read more

Effective June 21, 2010 federal contractors and subcontractors must notify employees about their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRA is the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector. They guarantee the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively with employers and to engage in other Read more

As of July 1, 2010 private employers in the State of Utah with 15 or more employees are required to register and use the mandated verification systems. The federal verification system commonly referred to as E-Verify, which verifies the legal working status of any new employee, is free to employers. The federal E-Verify, is an Read more

Welcome to our new website. If you’ve visited our site in the past, you’ll notice our changes right away. We believe these changes allow us to provide you with an ever better customer experience. What’s New State/Industry selection: Gone are the familiar state/industry drop down boxes that you may have used to help find posters in Read more

Louisiana has released its mandatory 2010 Earned Income Credit posting pursuant to the Internal Revenue Service’s published 2010 income limits for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This means that all Louisiana Employers must display the latest EITC posting effective immediately. While the EITC income limits and credit amounts are adjusted annually, an important Read more

Call CPC before you purchase posters from drop-in “Agents” Businesses have been reporting that an “Agent” from the “California Board of Regulations, Department of Compliance” has been inspecting their facilities and intimidating them into believing their posters are out-of-compliance. Furthermore, they are encouraging the replacement of posters which are not out-of-date and the purchase of Read more

Recent world events have brought earthquake preparedness into the spotlight. As we have seen, an earthquake can hit anywhere in the world at any time. There have been major earthquakes in the past few weeks in California, Mexico, and of course Haiti. All employers should make sure that their employees are safe in the event Read more

It is estimated that ninety percent (90%) of Canada’s employees are covered by provincial labour laws. Representing a diverse employer and employee population, the governmental bodies of each Province draft labour laws, regulations and standards to address the needs of their specific workforce and employment climate. Although they differ in many respects, these employment standards Read more