Poster Updates

 Virginia has made two important, required poster changes to the state’s CLI (Credit for Low income Individuals) notice. Details of the changes and additional important information are below regarding the Credit for Low income Individual eligibility and iFile system. Virginia CLI and iFile Changes The website link for state CLI information has been updated and now Read more

The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act requires certain employers to prepare and maintain records of work-related injuries and illnesses. Employers must record work-related injuries and illnesses on the OSHA 300 Log but post only the 300-A summary no later than February 1 of the year covered by the records and keep the posting in Read more

The Louisiana Workforce Commission has updated its list of state-mandated labor law posters with the release of the new 2011 Earned Income Credit (EIC) poster. Some of the important changes to the EIC notice Increase in Income Eligibility Limits Louisiana’s 2011 EIC notice reflects increases in the income levels for EIC eligibility in 2011. The Read more

Effective May 1, 2011 Minimum Wage Rates in Quebec Canada Increase Workers in Quebec will see larger paychecks effective May 1, 2011 when the minimum wage rates increase. Currently the general and clothing industry rates are $9.50 per hour, and $8.25 per hour for employees receiving tips. May 1, the rates will be as follows: Read more

Updated Fact Sheets for Injured Workers Now Available From the California DWC The California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has created a series of updated fact sheets for injured workers. The fact sheets are available in “text only” versions on their website. The text only versions make it possible for claim administrators to incorporate updated Read more

The California Employers Guide, DE 44 Has Been Updated for 2011 2011 changes for employers in California include: Expanded e-Services for Businesses- Now employers will be able to view and manage their own employer tax account, file most reports, and provide payment options for tax deposits, liabilities and much more. For more information go to Read more

3 Important Illinois Employment-related Changes Effective 1/1/2011: Children & Grandparents Now Eligible for Family Military LeaveEffective January 1, 2011, employees who are the child or grandparent of a person called into active military service are entitled to the same leave previously provided to spouses and parents under the Family Military Leave Act. Under the expanded Read more

The minimum wage saw another increase July 24th, 2009. Even if you don’t have employees being paid at this rate, this affects your business. Taken from the US Department of Labor Website: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)The FLSA establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in Read more

Confused by all the reports about the Swine Flu? If you’re like us, you have trouble figuring out how serious this H1N1 virus pandemic really is and when you should start to worry. Many businesses are keeping a close eye on this current strand of influenza to see how quickly it is escalating and when Read more