Labor Law Updates

Keeping you current on the ever changing labor laws

Whether you’re working on Labor Day or are fortunate to be free of work-related obligations — this is your day! Labor Day was created to celebrate the achievements of American workers. Every year on the first Monday in September we have the opportunity to reflect on how workers have made this country strong and prosperous. Read more

Have you had a chance to visit the US Department of Labor’s online “Hall of Honor”? The Hall of Honor showcases the life-changing contributions that women, men, groups and organizations have made which have had a positive impact on the American way of work and the American way of life. Each year, Americans whose distinctive Read more

Compliance Poster Company announces Mandatory-To-Post changes to Utah labor law posters. Two significant changes affect Utah OSHA postings. Previously there were two Occupational Safety and Health postings, but materials from both have been combined onto one OSH poster titled “Workplace Safety and Health in the State of Utah”. The sole Utah OSHA poster covers occupational Read more

Beginning this year, all Illinois private and public institutions of higher learning must post a state-mandated sexual harassment poster. If your school hasn’t done so already, there is still time to comply. What is the law? The Illinois Human Rights Act (“Act”) makes it unlawful for teachers, professors, facility members and other employees of colleges Read more

Last February the US Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it is working on new set of FMLA leave regulations for military and airline flight crew families. The final version of those regulations is expected to be announced in the near future. In the meantime, you might be interested in learning more about how the Read more

Did you know that approximately 90% of the Canadian workforce is covered by provincial or territorial labour laws? Canadian workplace standards, not unlike those in the US, provide for workers rights and foster safe working conditions. Complying with workplace regulations can be a daunting task BUT –Compliance Poster Company makes it easier for New Brunswick Read more

Thanks to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), employees are allowed to form, join, and assist labor unions.  They’re also allowed to engage in any other concerted activities that are aimed at collective bargaining and mutual protection. Now, there’s a new website to help employees determine if their rights under that law have been violated. Read more

From playing games to looking up recipes, there seems to be an app for just about everything.  And now, there’s even an app to help you keep track of the U.S. economy! The Census Bureau just unveiled the “America’s Economy” app, which provides real-time statistics about the U.S. economy.  The statistics are provided by a Read more

Here’s something you can “like”, “re-tweet” and “pin”… If you live in Illinois, it’s now illegal for your boss to force you to hand over your social media passwords. On August 1st, the “Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act” was signed into law, making Illinois the second state to ban employer requests for social Read more

Even though President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed it into law back in 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act is just as monumental for workers today as it was back then. How does it help you? The FLSA sets standards that make workplaces safer and healthier.  In fact, this Act is responsible for many of the Read more