When are employers required to provide the California Paid Family Leave Pamphlet?
California Paid Family Leave Law requires employers to provide the California Paid Family Leave Pamphlet to new employees at the time of hire and to existing employees when requesting leave to care for a seriously ill family member, to bond with a new child, or to participate in a qualifying event due to an eligible family member’s military deployment.
What does the California Paid Family Leave Pamphlet cover?
The pamphlet describes:
- Who Qualifies for California Paid Family Leave, including employees covered by State Disability Insurance, income earned during the qualifying period, when to file a claim, and the reasons for which leave may be taken, summary of benefits
- Facts about PFL, including the duration of benefits, benefit rates, program funding, and eligibility regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
- How Benefits are calculated, including average benefit rates and the availability of the online benefit calculator.
- Job Protection, including that PFL does not provide job protection. Job protection may be available to qualified individuals under laws enforced by the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
- How to Apply for PFL benefits, including how to file for benefits online or by mail, and documents required for:
- Caregiving Claims
- Bonding Claims
- Military Assist Claims
- Voluntary Plans
- Contact Information for the Employment Development Department (EDD) contact information and website