City of Chicago, IL Paid Sick Leave Poster


All employers with employees working within the city limits of Chicago, Illinois must post a Paid Sick Leave Poster in the workplace.

SKU: 13214

The law requires additional posters for your industry

Pick your industry to be in complete compliance with all state and federal labor laws for your state and industry.

Paid Sick Leave

  • The Paid Sick Leave provisions of the law:
    • apply to employers who maintain a business facility and households located within the geographic boundaries of the City
    • cover hourly employees who work at least 80 hours within a 120-day period
    • provide covered employees with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 40 hours worked, up to 40 hours a year
    • cover salaried employees who accrue 1 hour of paid sick leave for each week worked
  • Paid Sick Leave can be used:
    • for the employee’s own illness, injury or medical care
    • to care for a family member with a health or medical need
    • to handle matters related to domestic violence or a sex offense
    • due to closure of the business or a child’s school
  • The Paid Sick Leave portion of the poster explains accrual rate, hours available for use in the first year, and total hours available in a 12-month period.


  • Employers must post the current Chicago Paid Sick Leave Poster in a conspicuous place at the place of employment and provide the notice to each employee with the employee’s first paycheck.
  • The Poster gives the Chicago Office of Labor Standards contact information and website for additional information.

Language Formats

This poster is available in English and Spanish.


  • It is unlawful for any employer to discriminate in any manner or take any adverse action against any covered employee in retaliation for exercising their rights.
  • Any employer who violates the law is subject to a fine of $500.00 to $1,000.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply.
  • Any employer who violates the law may be subject to civil action.