2024 Oklahoma Employment Discrimination Peel ‘N Post™


Employers with an existing Oklahoma All-On-One Poster require the 2024 Employment Discrimination Peel ‘N Post to ensure that the Employment Discrimination posting on display in the workplace is consistent with current law.

SKU: 91558

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Who needs the 2024 Oklahoma Employment Discrimination Peel ‘N Post?

  • The 2024 Oklahoma Employment Discrimination Peel ‘N Post reflects changes to the choices workers may have to resolve grievances related to the protections afforded them under the Oklahoma Anti-Discrimination Act. (O.S. § 25-1101, et. seq.)
  • Employers with an existing Oklahoma All-On-One Poster or Mobile Poster Pak require the Peel ‘N Post to ensure that the Employment Discrimination posting on display in the workplace is consistent with current law.

Why was the Employment Discrimination posting updated?

  • The Attorney General’s Office of Civil Rights Enforcement (OCRE) is responsible for investigating, conciliating, and litigating employment discrimination complaints arising under the the Oklahoma Anti-Discrimination Act.
  • Under the law, an worker who believes they have experienced unlawful employment discrimination may file a compliant with the OCRE to initiate statutory procedures.
  • Established internal grievance procedures can also be used to resolve issues related to workplace discrimination. However, the defunct Merit Protection program is no longer available as an avenue of resolution. Consequently, the reference to the program was removed from the posting.
  • Instead, the revised text informs workers that contacting the OCRE does not conflict with any other rights that the worker may have, including internal grievance or appeal procedures available through their employer or other third parties.
  • To exercise their statutory rights, an aggrieved worker must file an employment discrimination complaint with the OCRE within 180 days after the alleged discriminatory act(s).

Why post?

  • The Oklahoma Anti-Discrimination Act prohibits employers from discriminating against employees or job applicants with respect to compensation or the in terms, conditions, privileges or responsibilities of employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information or disability. (O.S. § 25-1132).
  • The OCRE encourages employers to post the Employment Discrimination posting in the workplace to promote equal opportunity in employment through positive, proactive outreach.
  • Proactively informing individuals of their anti-discrimination rights and responsibilities in the workplace facilitates compliance and diminishes the risk of litigation.
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