City of San Antonio, TX Domestic Violence Notice


All places of public accommodation in San Antonio, TX are required to display this sign to help increase community awareness and vigilance about domestic violence.

Bilingual – English and Spanish.

SKU: 43715

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City of San Antonio Domestic Violence Signage Ordinance

Under the San Antonio Domestic Violence Signage Ordinance (No. 2023-10-19-0747), all public accommodations in San Antonio, Texas must post the Domestic Violence sign in restrooms used by visitors or employees. A place of public accommodation includes “every business within the city, whether wholesale or retail, which is open to the general public and offers, for compensation, any product, service or facility. The term place of public accommodation shall include, but not be limited to, all taverns, hotels, motels, apartment hotels, apartment houses with four or more tenant units, restaurants or any place where food or beverages are sold, retail and wholesale establishments, hospitals, theaters, motion picture houses, museums, bowling alleys, golf courses and all public conveyances, as well as the stations or terminals thereof.”

The Domestic Violence Notice includes a phone number for individuals that may be experiencing domestic violence. The notice also includes a QR code where more resources can be obtained.

Posting Requirements

Covered public accommodations must display the sign on the bottom right corner of the restroom mirror. If there is no mirror, or the mirror is smaller than 48″ x 30″, the sign must be displayed on the back of the restroom exit door at eye level or five feet above the floor. The sign must be placed in all female, male, unisex, and family restrooms used by the public or employees. (Ord. No. 2023-10-19-0747 § 15-285)
