Michigan No Smoking Poster


Michigan law requires that most businesses, including restaurants, bars, hotels and motels be smoke free.


11″ x 8.5″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 22703

The law requires additional posters for your industry

Pick your industry to be in complete compliance with all state and federal labor laws for your state and industry.

Under Michigan’s Smoke-Free Indoor Air Law, individuals are prohibited from smoking in most public places.  A public place is defined as:

(i) An enclosed, indoor area owned or operated by a state or local governmental agency and used by the general
public or serving as a meeting place for a public body, including an office, educational facility, home for the aged, nursing
home, county medical care facility, hospice, hospital long-term care unit, auditorium, arena, meeting room, or public
(ii) An enclosed, indoor area that is not owned or operated by a state or local governmental agency, is used by the
general public, and is any of the following:
(A) An educational facility.
(B) A home for the aged, nursing home, county medical care facility, hospice, or hospital long-term care unit.
(C) An auditorium.
(D) An arena.
(E) A theater.
(F) A museum.
(G) A concert hall.
(H) Any other facility during the period of its use for a performance or exhibit of the arts.

The law also covers any workplace and any food service establishment.

Posting Requirements

Covered businesses must post “no smoking” signs or the international “no smoking” symbol at the entrances to and in every building or other areas where smoking is prohibited under the law. (MCL § 12603 (2)(A))
