Louisiana law requires employers to each year post a notice to employees of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. (LRS §1018.2) Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) are reductions in federal income tax liability for which an employee may be eligible if the employee meets certain requirements.
The Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) issues the form of the EITC notice that must be posted by employers. The annual notice advises employees of the potential availability of EITC and the current income eligibility requirements. The income eligibility limits differ depending on the employee’s tax filing status and the number of qualifying children, if any, the employee has. The income amounts are established each year by the federal Internal Revenue Service. Employers are also required to give new employees, whose anticipated wages for 2015 are $47,000 or less, notice that they may be eligible for the EITC at the time of hiring.
Employers with an existing Louisiana All-On-One Labor Law Poster can update to LWC’s required Earned Income Credit notice using Compliance Poster Company’s Louisiana EITC Peel ‘N Post option. CPC’s Louisiana All-On-One™ Labor Law Posters and Louisiana Mobile Poster Paks™ have also been revised to include the 2015 notice.