2025 Santa Fe, New Mexico Living Wage Poster


Covered businesses operating in Santa Fe, New Mexico are required to post and display the Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance poster on the business premises.

Bilingual – English and Spanish.

18″ x 12″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 31701

The law requires additional posters for your industry

Pick your industry to be in complete compliance with all state and federal labor laws for your state and industry.

Santa Fe New Mexico Living Wage Poster Compliance Requirement

The city of Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance (Number § 28-1 28-1.12 SFCC 1987) was adopted to establish and link minimum hourly wage rates to the Consumer Price Index. Affected businesses are required to pay employees the inflation-adjusted minimum hourly wage rate that is announced every year.  The law requires covered businesses to post the annual Santa Fe New Mexico Living Wage Poster in the workplace.

Affected businesses include the City of Santa Fe, contractors for the city performing work under contract for amounts greater than $30,000, and businesses receiving assistance related to economic development in amounts greater than $25,000. Businesses required to have a business license or business registration from the city of Santa Fe and non-profit organizations shall pay minimum wage to their workers for all hours worked in the city that month.

The Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance Poster displays the current living wage rate and effective date. It also provides basic information on the purpose of the living wage and who is required to pay it.

Santa Fe New Mexico Living Wage Poster

The Ordinance requires:

  • Any business subject to the Santa Fe Living Ordinance to post and display a notice that the business is in compliance with the provisions of the Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance, containing the text of subsection 28-1.5, 28-1.6, and 28-1.8 SCFF 1987.
  • The notice must be displayed on the business premises, next to the business license or registration.
  • The notice must be posted in English and Spanish.
  • Compliance Poster Company’s Santa Fe New Mexico Living Wage Poster is created in a compliance-friendly bilingual English/Spanish format.

Enforcement of the Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance

  • Failure to comply with the notice requirement shall be construed a violation of the Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance and, in addition, shall be considered grounds for suspensions, revocation, or termination of the business license or registration.
  • A person violating the Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, for each offense may be subject to fines and imprisonment. A person violating any of the requirements of the Ordinance shall be guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion thereof and for each worker or person as to which any such violation has occurred.
  • The city, any individual aggrieved by a violation, or any entity with aggrieved members may bring a civil action in court to restrain, correct, abate, or remedy any violation of the Ordinance and shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation.