Tornado Poster


The Tornado Poster provides a list of “how-to’s” to ensure safe practices during a tornado. Post this guideline before an emergency occurs.


19″ x 26″ – Poly Vinyl both sides.

SKU: 74736

The law requires additional posters for your industry

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The Tornado Poster was designed to help individuals prepare for tornadoes, and to provide information about hazards that individuals may face in the aftermath of a tornado. Employers are encouraged to display this poster to ensure employees can get to safety in case a tornado may affect the area. The poster includes information on tornado warnings, identifying safe places of refuge, and procedures for addressing any hazardous materials that are on-site. Individuals may face significant hazards including the potential for additional storms, downed electric lines, and sharp debris.

Post these survival guidelines before an emergency occurs. 

Free With Order!

Emergency Supplies Checklist which includes:
• Essentials
• Sanitation Supplies
• Safety & Comfort
• Cooking
• Tools
• Clean up & Repair Supplies
