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Do you know the signs of a heart attack? Surprisingly, many don’t. Not all heart attacks are sharp and abrupt. Most happen long before a person actually requires hospitalization. There’s moderate pain or slight discomfort that starts off slowly while increasing in intensity. Those are the moments when people wonder what’s happening; they don’t realize they are having a heart attack.

Signs of a heart attack include chest discomfort – beginning in the middle of the chest, the pain or discomfort of pressure or squeezing will linger longer than a few minutes or will go away and come back. Pain or discomfort also shows up in other parts of the body like one or both arms, back, stomach or jaw. Additional signs like nausea, light-headedness or cold sweat could also occur.

The warning signs of a heart attack for women can include some of the more common signs like chest pain or discomfort. But, there are other signs that can occur as well. Vomiting, back pain, nausea, and shortness of breath are other warning signs. Always remember to call 911 and check the requirements on the workplace compliance poster, if you suspect a heart attack. Remembering the signs and utilizing a compliance poster, saves time and saves lives. Compliance Poster is your best choice for requirements and strategies for your success.