Washington 2024 Labor Law Posting Requirement

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2024 Washington All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster
New Posting Requirement
Employee Free Choice Act (Senate Bill 5778)
What’s new?

Pursuant to 2024 Senate Bill 5778, Washington employers must post in the workplace a notice of employee rights under the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).

The EFCA posting informs employees that:

  • Employers are prohibited from discipling, discharging, or threatening to take any adverse action against an employee for refusing to:
    • Attend meetings or listen to their employer’s speech on religious or political matters; or
    • For reporting violations of the EFCA.
  • Employers are not prohibited from requiring attendance at meetings or communications:
    • About religious or political matters if attendance or participation is strictly voluntary; or
    • That are legally required, are necessary for the job, or are intended to prevent or reduce workplace harassment or discrimination.
Who must post?

All employers must post the Employee Free Choice Act notice in a place where employee notices are normally posted and in a place frequented by employees. (SB 5778)