2024 Virginia All-On-One™ Poster Update Required

Virginia Poster Update Required

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2024 Virginia All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster

What’s new?

Job Safety and Health Protection
The posting has been updated to reflect the annual adjustment of civil penalties for safety and health violations occurring on or after August 1, 2024, as follows:

  • Serious violations – $15,875
  • Other-than-serious violations – $15,875
  • Failure to correct violations – $15,875 per day
  • Willful or repeat violations – $158,725

Virginia Human Rights Act
Pursuant to House Bill 18, ethnic origin has been added as a new protected class under the Human Rights Act.

Resources for Virginia Veterans
Pursuant to House Bill 160, the new posting describes benefits, services, and resources available to Virginia veterans.

Who must post?
  • All employers are required to post and keep posted the Job Safety and Health Protection posting in a conspicuous place where notices to employees are routinely posted. (16 V.A.C. 25-60-40)
  • Employers may post the Human Rights Act posting to inform employees of the prohibition of discrimination in employment and the office to which complaints must be filed. (Va. Code § 2.2-3900, et. seq.)
  • Employers may display the Resources for Virginia Veterans posting in the same location where other employee notices required by state or federal law are posted. (Va. Code § 40.1-28.7:11)
If you already ordered or received your 2024 Virginia All-On-One Poster or Mobile Poster Pak, you’re all set! There are no new changes and there is no need to order again.