2024 Paid Leave Oregon Mandatory Posting Update

Mandatory Oregon Update

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 2024 Paid Leave Oregon Posting Update 
Paid Leave Oregon Peel ‘N Post™
Oregon All-On-One™ Labor Law Poster
What’s new?

The Paid Leave Oregon posting has been updated to reflect recent legislative changes, clarify certain terms of the program, and provide links to updated online resources. Revisions include:

  • Paid Leave can be used for the foster care placement of a child with the employee.
  • Paid Leave can be used if an employee or their child is a victim of a bias crime.
  • Paid Leave income eligibility is based on the employee’s earnings during their base year.
  • Updated links to apply for Paid Leave benefits online or to download a paper application.
  • Employees can appeal a denial of benefits to the Oregon Employment Department (OED).
  • On Spanish Paid Leave Oregon, updated contact information and the link to Paid Leave Oregon’s new Spanish-language website.

Who must post?

  • All Oregon employers must post the current Paid Leave Oregon posting in each building or worksite in an area that is accessible to and regularly frequented by employees.
  • Employers must provide a copy of the Paid Leave Oregon posting to each of its remote employees.
  • The Paid Leave Oregon posting must be posted or provided in the language(s) the employer typically uses to communicate with the employees. (OAR 471-070-1300)
If you already ordered or received your Oregon All-On-One Poster, Oregon Mobile Poster Pak, or Paid Leave Oregon Peel ‘N Post, you’re all set! There are no new changes and there is no need to order again!

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